Vol: 6 - Skillful aging newsletter

I hope this finds you well!

We are all strong and every body is beautiful.

Sometimes it can seem as though the word "wellness" is associated with "body shaming" or simply an "industry" that is set up by hucksters to hawk snake oil.

While these unfortunate aspects of wellness do exist they get an outsized amount of the attention and they distract from the true aspirations of most of us who provide guidance around achieving a higher level of health and wellness.

In this week's newsletter we are going to discuss the core values and aspirations of Zoetic Coaching.

Two statements of truth that Zoetic Coaching strongly believes in:

1) Every body is beautiful. No matter what. The human body is miraculous beyond description. We are all different and by extension our bodies are all wonderfully different. That is beauty. It does not matter what society or somebody else says.

2) We are all strong. Strength is relative. Because you are reading this, you possess a baseline of strength. And, you can use that strength to get even stronger and do even more, regardless of your starting point.

It is from these beliefs, my personal values and sound coaching practices that we derive the core principles from which Zoetic Coaching is guided.

Zoetic Coaching's core principals:

1) Integrity – Integrity is the basis of everything we do.   Because trust is the starting point for all successful coaching relationships, integrity is the number 1 core value at Zoetic.

2) Mastery – Wellness and exercise instruction are complicated.  Success demands mastery of many disciplines, Zoetic Coaching is committed to finding and incorporating the best, most current methods of coaching and exercise instruction available to help guarantee success.  Mayo Clinic training and Board Certification are required to coach for Zoetic.

3) Inclusion – Wellness is for all.  Zoetic Coaching is passionate about ensuring that we warmly welcome all who are interested in becoming healthier, regardless of who they are, where they come from or where they are on their wellness journey.

Zoetic Coaching's aspirations:

Our only goal: To help people identify a path to better health & wellness and then moving forward to achieve it. Full stop.

What we will not do is attempt to profit from the latest fad, supplement or trend. We have no products for sale or “one size fits all” systems. We are not trying to sell you anything other than our honest, hard work in helping you achieve your goals.

Choose your own health adventure!

Choose 1 or do all 3!

1) Get outside and have some fun moving your body!

2) Eat some tasty, whole foods. Savor every bite!

3) Get some well deserved rest!

As always, let me know if you have any questions or thoughts: george@zoeticcoaching.com

Your wellness is important to me!

Be well, George


Vol: 7 - Skillful aging newsletter


Is it Food?